Management Services
Our Full Management Service includes every item listed below. We also offer a trimmed down service called Smart Plan. This is suitable for developments where the residents are involved with most of the day to day management or small developments where there is very little day to day management making full management uneconomic. The Smart Plan service excludes the items in italics, marked with an asterisk *
Liaising with the client, and any recognised residents’ association.
Consultation with client on management matters including qualifying works and long-term agreements (except for the appointment of a managing agent).
Advising and liaising with the client on management policy.
Advising client on legislative and regulatory issues and the general interpretation of leases.
Providing reasonable management information.
Dealing with day to day lessee issues and reporting to and taking instructions from client on lessee’s unresolved concerns. *
Property Management:
Preparing specifications for and entering into contracts for minor works and services such as gardening, cleaning and window cleaning and fire alarms, and overseeing such works. *
Viewing, without the use of inspection equipment, the common parts to check the condition and deal with necessary repairs including periodic tests (eg: 5 yearly electrical report). *
Organising periodic health and safety checks including specialist checks such as dangerous tree reports, fire alarm servicing and lift maintenance. *
Ensuring appropriate risk assessments are in place. *
Project Management (subject to additional fees).
Opening bank accounts and the handling of client’s money including reserve funds.
Preparing, obtaining approval to, and sending out service charge budgets.
Collecting service charge and reserve fund contributions, including sending demands and associated summaries and any required statements.
Processing payments within expenditure limits and funds available or as reasonable expediency shall dictate.
Service charges book keeping.
Provide information to the Accountants for the preparation of annual service charge accounts.
Using best endeavours to collect current and on-going routine service charge arrears but not action requiring legal work or tribunals.
Corporate Governance including Company Secretary.
Running meetings of the company and directors’ meetings. *
Maintaining adequate and suitable files and records.
Maintaining records of residents and property tenure details.
Administration Charges such as for sales packs, notices, and landlord’s consent are paid by the person requesting them.
Insurance administration and 3 year reassement.