Please check the relevant section below first.
If required, we have an emergency out of office hours mobile number held by members of staff on rota: 07425 175591
If there is a communal fire alarm in your block and it goes off read the Fire Action Notice in the communal area and any information for residents which will be next to the Fire Alarm panel. The contact number of the fire alarm contractor will also be by the panel.
Call Tranco on 0800 111999. They are the only company authorised to repair gas leaks due to the risks.
If you do not know who the owner is or are unable to contact them we usually have their contact details and will try to contact them. Please note that unless previously agreed by us or the block’s insurers you will be responsible for work done inside your apartment bill.
Call Thames Water on 0800 980 8800.
First, establish whether your property or everyone in the building or neighbourhood are affected.
Check the fuse board inside your property to make sure the supply hasn’t tripped out. Also, check whether there is still light in the communal areas or neighbouring property and street lighting.
Call SSE (Southern Electric) on 0800 0727282 or 0345 0721905. They are the distribution company responsible for power restoration.